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Michelle's Things

Monday, June 27, 2005

Sunday, after making myself bacon on crumpets to make me feel human I straightened out and went on my way to an afternoon gathering of old workmates from my goldmine workplace.
Got there at about 2pm and was blown away by who was there, my old boss, good friends and even the Site Manager (biggest boss, mining engineer) it was a bloody great afternoon, heaps of wine, cheese, biscuits, other strange ordervues that tasted yummy (I know I can't spell french words very well) and so much catching up to do. My heart was filled with a deep warmth after that, I hope very much we keep catching up.
I am writing this on Monday and needless to say I was soo buggered at work, I was fighting off the need to fall asleep. I am home and am hungry and tired.
Out to space
Sheesh, monday, had a big weekend. Saturday I caved into going to boyfriends hockey function, when I got there I was still really crapped off so I left on foot down the road, it was cold and my feet were hurting in heels, but I was pretty depressed. After walking for about a kilometre I found a pub, went to the bar, pulled up a stool and ordered a beer, then another and another, by which time the barmaid got up the confidence to ask what brought me to the pub. Eventually boyfriend realised I was missing and found me at pub and began making half arsed attempt to get me to leave with him, I had to because some creepy guy was trying to chat me up.
Boyfriend slept in the doghouse when we got home.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I am feeling quite blue, my boyfriend forgot our anniversary. No more to say.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

its raining.
I change this for one simple reason, the answer is I want to study. Gee I hope very few people look at this page.
Big day, completed two more of my chemistry tests, didn't go so well on my third and last one, I really needed to put in some more productive hours on volumetric analysis. I feel quite blue at the moment and its probably time I headed home. Thing is I know my brother is coming around tonight to use my internet for an assignment, I just really don't feel like facing anyone this evening.
I think a fat injected burger or pizza is the selections on the menu tonight, since I am doing my best to avoid alcohol, this seems like a mood altering alternate to my blues.
Out to space

Monday, June 20, 2005

I thought I had posted yesterday. Nevermind, first day back at work after week off studying and completing chemistry tests. Work, flat out. Luckily boss granted me another day off, Thursday to finish my last three tests, fingers crossed I can do it.
So on that note, with my pulse racing, I had best, shake a big tail feather and bang my head in the books like a crazy thing.
Out to space.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Went for a jog at 9am, alot later than usual, it is cold here so the getting out of bed process is much slower. I havn't jogged since tuesday, so again alot of huffing and puffing, I have to do my best to stick to it, to keep my stamina levels up. Its surprising how quick it drops off.
Am planning a solid weekend of study, I must finish my last 3 chemistry tests next week, all in one day, it also is heavily reliant on me being able to get this day off at work. I hope so much that they do give me it off, but right now I can't stress about it and must do my best to get some productive study done. My headache just seemed to linger yesterday, a good nights sleep certainly helped, I think sleeping in, did aswell, my brain tired from banging my head in the books all week.
I had a yummy breakfast of Margaret River natural yoghurt on top of peaches and pears, the yoghurt is so light and fluffy, cost a little bit extra, but I feel I deserved a small treat from a big week. Also got a haircut yesterday arvo, (I neglect my hair and body pretty badly, luckily there is places that can help scrub me up-such as hairdressers and beauty salons)
I was walking past a salon and it was empty, so I went in and the hairdresser did my hair straight away, oh it was nice and she dryed my hair straight, it looked so cool.
Out to space

Friday, June 17, 2005

Up bright and early today, 6am, and got out the door by 6.45am unfortunately buses were running late so my plan to get off to uni early were foiled.
Studied straight, sat test, finished test and am here typing this.
Will probably study all weekend to get a grip on the last three topics of this unit, so I can sit the tests next week and then I shall be finished. Todays test was on co-ordinate chemistry, complex ions, and crystal field theory, to say the least I didn't go so well, but the tutor gave me some helpful tips. Gee it felt like so much to take in, yet have to answer questions in some detail, even down to the isomerism of each complex compound and then explain its magnetism using crystal field theory.
I think I have a migraine lurking as I am gettting the little fuzzy dot on my left eye (I always get the dot before a migraine or crappy headache) fingers crossed it stays away. I hate migraines sooo much, they make me chuck and feel crappy for a whole day.
out to space

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Its 9am, I slept in a little today, nightfill dragged out a bit longer than usual, so I have one less hour of study this morning.
Am in computer lab just going over my notes, having trouble concentrating, because I feel so tired. It felt as though I jumped out of the shower and onto the bus, my hair is all over the place and my eyes are itchy all the time and its soo bloody cold out there.
Take care all.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Have managed to go for jog 4 days in a row, today though will give a miss, because have night fill, so won't be able to do it. Also did my corresponding workouts for those days, (I have this book that mum bought about a 12 minute daily workout routine using a pair of 1 kilo dumbells, it focuses on technique, and it is actually quite exhausting), so my upper thighs are hurting from doing lunges and squats yesterday.
Ok had best study and buy vending food to keep me going.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Unbelievable, I rocked up to the computer lab at uni today, early in the morning about 8.30am, and there is this guy asleep at the desk in front of a computer, with all his paperwork around him. I am trying to type quietly so I don't wake him, I can't help but imagine that this is what Phil looks like during exams.
I best get into some study of my own. shhhh

Monday, June 13, 2005

Its 4pm, had a long day doing chemistry tests, if you follow sosmath, you will have noticed my pandering in the chemistry section for help. What happens is you book in for a test, you go in, sit the test and at the end the tutor goes through the test with you to tell you what you did wrong and give you a mark, you get 6 attempts at each topic, to pass you need 80%.
I am slowly getting there, have passed topic 10 on Quantum theory of atomic structure and am currently struggling with Volumetric analysis, I think I will give it a rest and start on topic 12 which is orbitals in molecules.
Other than that, I was feeling quite washed out during my afternoon test, but once I stepped outside into the crisp air, I suddenly felt awake.
Off to do more study.
Out to space everyone.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Ah its Sunday, winter is really settling in, its been raining for several days now and the air is crispy cold. I got my arse out of bed at about 7.30am, threw on some tracky dacks and went for a jog, the air was so crisp it was making breathing difficult, I am so unfit that I really get puffing near the last couple hundred metres anyway. I have only been jogging for the last week, so I don't actually go very far before I walk the rest of the way, today though it began to rain along the finishing stretch so I had to run again and up a hill.
After that, I thought, well why not do some weights, so I have this old pair of 1 kilo dumbells and put one on my stomach and did some sit ups, gee it hurt. On the plus side, hopefully the exercise will help keep the neck cramps and headaches at bay. Out to space everyone.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Oooh ah, its Saturday, I have been trying to study for the best part of the day, inbetween having discussions with my boyfriend. He has headed off for his hockey game and will probably be out most of the night with his mates drinking.
Mmmmm Lindt chocolate, I bought a small box of Lindt chocolates today and they taste sooo good.
Work was busy as I tied up loose ends for my week off for chemistry tests, etc. Mum also called this morning, which had me feeling sad, as I dearly want to go back to the farm and get back into riding horses. Her and dad are letting me know that if life is getting too crappy that I can always go back and put my own horses on the property and ride again. How I wish I could study at uni and during which time I could ride horses, the ultimate.
Phil that is sooo funny, you eating the oats with water, I have to say at least you are being healthy.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Thursday night, work is very busy, as I try to tie up as many loose ends as possible before my week off next week. I am taking the week off to study hard and nail some chemistry tests.
Tonight on way home from uni, I bought a suit jacket for my day job and an umbrella, as I have been looking a little under dressed and getting sopping wet, waiting at the bus stop.
I am tired today as usual because on Wednesday I do day job 8am to 5pm then night job from 6pm to 10pm don't fall asleep till 11pm (travel and eating) then Thursday is a long weary day, so must brush teeth and get to bed as soon as I post this blog.
Phil I apologise for taking so long, am just waiting for my friend to send me photos of me off their digital camera. Gee it is raining so hard out there. I feel so warm and cosy here all alone in my house on my computer, which is in the living room next to the gas heater, I am the only one who lives here, so it doesn't matter how my furniture is organised. Phil I apologise for taking so long, am just waiting for my friend to send me photos of me off their digital camera. Though, the profile photo I have is good in a way, because it allows people to assume I am some kind of poor arse beanie wearer.
Out to space everyone.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I feel quite depressed today.
Finally saw StarWars 3 last night, its quite good.
Better try to do some more study.
Out to space everyone

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Holy shit, I have a hangover from hell. I finished one and a half bottles of red wine and played old sonic the hedgehog last night. I awoke with a headache from hell. So I had long shower, and toast and nurofen. Am now feeling slightly human, but am craving a bacon and cheese crumpet.
When I finished work yesterday, the shops in the city centre are open for friday night shopping, so I headed into the city (800 metres from work) and came across a giant Toys r Us store, went into the playstation section and stumbled across a re-release of the old sonic games on PS2 I was ecstatic and bought it immediately. The rest is history.
out to space everyone.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Gee, its Thursday evening. Work is ok.
I went to withdraw from my maths studies on Tuesday afternoon. As it happened my teacher and course coordinator convinced me to keep on with my assignments and sit intro cal as a bridging unit.
This means I don't sit any exams, I just continue handing in my assignments and from completing intro cal this way, they recommend I study year 12 Applicable math next year as a curriculum unit. (curriculum means I do sit the exams and the grades I collect from assignments and TER exams contribute toward university entrance)
I must say my good math grades have been due to the help from Phil and the math guys and girls on SOSMATH. Thankyou all. "Heres to plunging deep into the dark universe of math"