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Michelle's Things

Friday, April 28, 2006


Sat an intro calc test today, wasn't too bad, ran badly out of time. Maybe I should've drank some coffee before hand as I could've answered all questions, I was just feeling a bit tired and the answers were coming out a bit too slow.
I did answer every question, but some are really brief and lame.
Shall get to and keep studying trig as I have a test on that on the weekend.
Vector addition is crazy man. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


today is Anzac Day, respect to all who have fought and those currently fighting.

I have some pics of our camping trip, gee I have gained so much weight. I have since those photos started up exercise again, I so far have been doing a half hour walk each day, but nothing else. Will hopefully be able to lose the jelly fat and gain some stamina too.

Its difficult to get the photos to upload where you want them too. The two pictures at the top are the same beach, its beautiful to swim in and you feel so good when you get out.

The rocky photo is of the coast line behind the camera at another point on the coast. I took this photo when I got out of the four wheel drive, due to fear of the cliffy terrain that the guys were driving over, I chose to walk all the way to the campsite with another lady rather than stay in the vehicle and I took some really good pics, so it was fortuitous really.

Then you have me trying to keep warm at the camp fire, when the sun sets it chills down real quick. Mind you we are camping 45o km from Perth on the southwest coast of western australia, so it is heaps colder down there, plus we are going through autumn at the moment.


Hello there,
have been attempting to get study done, but its been difficult with friends and their sisters and their sisters children, running and screaming around the place. Why can't people discipline their children these days, I'm not saying go round and smack their butts all the time, but you can at least point out that they are not using their brains to their full potential.
I ended up showing them some magic tricks, which they liked heaps and their brains even seemed better off for it.
Me and my study buddies attempted a practice exam on Saturday, we all went for 1 hour and 30 minutes, but spent the next three hours going over our answers. I got about 30%, would have been more, had I more confidence in my answers. Phil Calculus is zOMG.
But it felt productive and hopefully I can talk them into doing a couple more practice papers closer to exams.
Its handy that the university posts past exam papers from the last 4 years on the net for students to download and practice.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Happy Easter everyone, I had fun. We went camping down south, in a sheltered spot on the beach, it was heaps fun. Did some fishing, had a swim in the nice clean water and ate lots of bbq food and chocolate, we didn't try smores, but will do next time. We just had plain roasted mallows, which became a competition between some of the guys to get the most flame on their marshmallows, which was a waste of marshmallow to me.
Hope you all had a nice easter.

Monday, April 10, 2006

must do my homework, yesterday was a total waste, for some reason I got upset by my routine being changed. It was weird, I got a message on my phone from a study buddy, saying he found errors in our assignment, I sms him back saying I would have a look soon, but was currently doing homework on trig. He didn't write back, so later that day (3 hours later) I phoned and left a message on his msg bank, asking if he wanted to talk about the assignment or meet up to go over the questions. He never got back to me, so I am feeling confused and unsure whats going on and was unable to concentrate on my homework as I was worrying about all this stuff.
So the whole day went down the tube from 10.20am onward. Sheesh I wish I had more confidence to just tell myself not to worry and calm down and just start reading my notes or something, till I gradually get back into the rhythm of homework.
Shall do some reading now.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

sad documentary

last night I viewed a documentary on t.v. about a lioness that adopts an orix calf, its sweet, the two bond and wander around together for about two weeks. The lioness finally lets the calf wander on its own, when a male lion ambushes them and drags the whimpering calf away. I couldn't help but cry my brains out. It turns out the lioness adopted on seperate occassions up to 12 calfs over about twelve months, some escaped her and some perished due to lack of milk or other lions coming along. The lioness became withdrawn when she lost that first calf and didn't seem to integrate much with the other lions.
The local village folk, knew of this lioness and she has become folklore among them. The lady who conducted the filming and narration of the documentary said that they think the lioness lost her cubs to a lion when she was younger and began adopting calfs as an alternate for motherhood.
I still feel sad about it.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

study session

Have just arrived home, from a 5 hour session of doing math homework. Me and a couple of other guys got together to go over an assignment we have due next Thursday. There is so much I still have not come to grips with and but I did gain quite a bit of stuff. Mostly its usually my algebra that stinks up my answers and I am wishing so much that I could get a course that would run through year 10 math, because its all algebra.
I hadn't eaten since 11am, so I scoffed down a burger from a fast food shop and now feel gross.
I will sit down and copy some of the questions out, repeatedly and hope that some of it becomes solid in my memory.
We covered heaps of chapters, involving logarithmic functions, basic trig identities, trig equations, limits and continuity, derivatives. Like usual I bombed on all things trig, but am going to get tutoring from a math club member next tuesday.
I joined the math club and was asked to be the secretary, the clubs name is S.C.U.M which currently stands for students of curtin university mathematics. But will be getting heaps of alternatives, because the club wants to help anyone doing any math in any course.
Ergh the greasy burger.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Dog tried to eat my skate

got bit by a dog on the skate today, and the owner barely attempted to control the dog during its grapple at my ankle.
They asked me if I was ok, I said yes and skated off in a huff. Why can't people own small dogs in the city, or at least muzzle their dog if its likely to go at people on the footpath.
Last night I watched Catalyst, which is a science program on the government owned channel. It had an interesting article on how dementure is caused and how by simply running regularly keeps the arteries in your brain from hardening and crushing nerve cells. They also found that new nerve cells are generated in older people who are debilitated and then take up exercise.
So, if your concerned about getting old, they recommend exercise and crosswords or puzzles, I would say things like Sudoku and stuff like that would also be really good.
I have omitted heaps of stuff said on the article, one of the key points were that if the heart isn't healthy then the brain will follow suit, so keep your heart fit and healthy and the brain thrives.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


My brother bought me kill bill one and two, so it is difficult resisting watching these dvd's and getting on with my homework.
differentiation of insanely wild looking functions is scaring the crap out of me at the moment. Will try to calm down and get into it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

some days are clumsy

I'm feeling clumsy and tired today, am also doing my best to quit watching television, as I hear its the best thing to do, to help concentrate on your homework or studies.
Am also having some frustrating times with maths, I get all confused as to what to do when there is a square root sign or anything weird looking like that, because I have no idea how to simplify mega square root quotient functions to find its derivative.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

one more for the road

one more photo of the firefly crew and thats all I have left. Am right now having a quick break from studying limits and will get straight back into it in a moment.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Phil, these photos were taken in Adelaide - South Australia ( I know we didn't put much thought into naming our states - I think you guys have provinces which is a very similar type of thing)
a heat wave swept the eastern states this summer and the native animals had to adapt. You get alot of koalas in South Australia as they have little uncleared bushland.
Aww koala soo cuute.
But they are actually very dangerous, they have very long sharp claws, koalas are herbivores and like the platypus are one of the oldest mammal species on earth, the platypus is the oldest of all mammal species.