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Michelle's Things

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

This is bullshit, it could have been me or any of my friends that died on that road, it just doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem right.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

My tutor cancelled our session this evening, I agreed to meet up on Thursday at 6.30pm. I feel, most honestly that my poor algebra skills, is what is causing me trouble when it comes to simple problem solving. It is one thing to memorize certain functions, such as the steps to calculate the rate of change, but unless I have strong algebra, I will always have problems in exams trying to step through solving questions. I shall go now and do some more revision for my math test. If only I had some time to go back and re-learn algebra from middle school, it would assist me sooo much.
Out to space everyone.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Anzac day. I have attempted a mock test for intro calculus and it didn't go as well as expected, around a 60% mark, I need to brush up on my calculating average profits and keying in numbers on my calculator, I am quite clumsy with the calculator and I don't trust calculators, which makes me nervous and unsure of what I am doing in the first place.
I felt like I studied all the wrong things, ergh. It was only a practice test, so now I know my weak points I shall go through and practice the parts I am no good at.
Phil, I admire your hard work and determination of your studies in mathematics, the satisfaction of completing exams and getting good marks, must be very savoury moments, especially with the amount of sleep deprivation.
Out to space everyone.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

some sad news has reached, me a girl I was friends with in Pony Club, has been in a car accident and killed. It is so heart breaking, she was so young and so funny. I feel so sad and exhausted from crying. My heart goes out to her family and fiance', such a deep cut can only heal slowly and scar forever.
Take care everyone.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Worked till 11pm last night, my boss had me and another nightfiller put a wheelbarrow together and there were quite a few swear words thrown around, as there were no instructions and it was a cheap crappy brand of wheel barrow. It was pretty funny though, I had a fit of laughter at myself because it must've looked funny us getting frustrated at this wheelbarrow. Anyway it got put together and we left to go home, pretty hastily after that.
Am chipping away at my studies, must get there, must get there.
Out to space everyone.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Ergh, I am seedy. After going without an alcoholic beverage for about a month, I hit the wine last night, maybe a little too hard. Went out to a restaurant for my boyfriends birthday, with his sisters and brother and the wine was circulating the table too freely. Managed to make it into work, am doing my best to look alive and fend headaches/unsettled tummy. I am sticking to the plan from now on and not drinking, untill I have finished my studies.
Ok I had best go and keep my eyelids apart for another 4 hours.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I have just read my emails and am informed my mother's hiking trip, through Bhutan is being cut short. Mum and her sister have been climbing the himalayas in peaceful Bhutan and planned the latter half of their trip to travel through parts of India, unfortunately India has changed immensely since they last visited in 1997 and its sounds like for the worse. The smog is so bad its causing mum and her sister health problems, so they are heading home and shall be landing in Perth tomorrow afternoon. I still envy them, I would love to go on some of the hiking trips to the places they have been. Safe journey to eveyone.
This weekend is flying past. Yesterday I caught the train into the cbd and bought some Doc Martens, so now I have a sturdy yet smart footwear for my stores job in the city. I came home and trundled off to watch Bob play hockey, unfortunately before I went I was feeling a little faint. By the time I got to the game I had a whopping headache, I managed to take some nurofen, went home and sat down to watch Saving Private Ryan (very intriguing film). This has left me well behind in my homework completions, as I woke up late this morning aswell. On the plus, at least today I do not feel dizzy or headachey. Ok I had best go, this week I am studying derivatives and sitting one math and one chemistry test, I had better shake a tail feather.
Out to space everyone.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Gee I have a headache, not making life too easy for me. I was meant to go to a chemistry test this evening, I am not going, its just not going to happen when I feel this way. I can't even read, let alone absorb any material from studying.
Had to knock off late at work, despite starting earliest. The other two guys, one went home sick early and the other had to knock off at 4pm, I said it was ok and I didn't mind staying on till 5pm and now my brain is kicking my arse for doing so.
I havn't been in a situation where I have been counting down the minutes to home time, for a while. Not even the thought of icecream can lure me out of this brain pain, I think a good nights sleep, a real meal (not junk food) and some better shoes, would probably go a long way. Doing an office job, sitting in front of a computer screen for hours is probably not helping, I used to be a labourer, shovelling dirt and driving skidsteers. To go from a physical job to a flickering screen job, is definately taking its toll, my muscles are disappearing, I get puffed real easy and fuck I am dribbling some shit. I shall give everyones ears a rest.
Out to space everyone.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mmm chocolate, strawberry and vanilla icecream. I love living in a state, with a huge range of primary produce, dairy farms, vineyards, olive farms I could go on, its good because they have food and wine festivals over about 6 months of the year (bonus of warm weather). Someone was trying to tell me that Western Australia, is the biggest state in the world, I think I will need to check on that.
It is late at night, night fill was ok, my boss, still a bit reluctant to drop my hours. I really wish I knew what to do with my life, thats life though, not knowing. Sell my house and study, or, quit study and work to keep my house. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. Please, no one ask, I just blurted it out. Just getting it off my chest. I need to go and study some chemistry, funny though how I feel more inclined to do math, I need to discipline myself to spread the study even.
Time for bed and hopefully a good sleep.
Out to space everyone.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What is going on. I posted a blog this morning and it hasn't appeared on my blog page. Hey Phil, I really appreciate you volunteering to proof read my assignments, only I am slow at putting them on computer. Sorry about the delay.
Out to space everyone.
Managed to finish night fill at 9pm, last night. So started my next math assignment at 9.30pm, a first for me, as I don't usually do any homework, after night fill, as 1. its usually pretty late and 2. I feel extremely tired when I walk in the door.
I really have to put myself in top gear and keep up with the work, my interim report came in and I am standing at 2 (out of 4).
Work is feeling scattered at the moment, I am waiting for things to be approved, standing orders to add up, gas cylinder audits to complete and a bunch of other stuff.
Oh how I wish, I could just study full time and own my house.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Saturday and the bliss of being able to put my feet up. Was watching 'rage' (ABC late night music video show) on t.v. this morning and caught the new Nine Inch Nails song, its mesmerising but electric at the same time, I quite enjoy a bit of NIN. Trent Reznor has quite a unique voice.
Oh goodness, I have a weakness for quake 3 internet matches, in particular the BNB clan shotgun server, it is so very goood. If you want to put a face to a name, I am the one called "Pretty flower". hee hee.
I had better not chat too long, have a good weekend all.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

YEEEEEEEEEAH. I received a score of 95% for my second INTRO CAL assignment. I even got a sticker from the teacher saying terrific work. Phil your advice was good, knuckling down and doing the homework helps understand assignment questions. So I rewarded myself with a pair of sneakers ($50) as I don't have any and I really need to do some exercise. I also bought some button up work shirts, so I will look the piece at work.
Now I shall get my head into reciprocal & root functions and rates of change homework, so I can complete the corresponding assignment over the weekend.
Out to space everyone.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Have just come home from work, am not going to night shift, as I really need tuesdays off, if I intend to get my singular chemistry unit nailed.
I don't know what the deal is with my younger bro, one minute he's moving out in a whim, then weeks pass and nothing happens. So much for his friend needing to move in so desperately. I worry he is getting used by his friends as they are younger and from the city, him like me is a country kid (our parents are farmers) and it leaves you largely naieve and prone to having the wool pulled over your eyes. What goes around comes back around to you.
Take care everyone.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Ah lazy Sunday, am busting my arse trying to finish my assignments. Only I just, am starting to feel recovered from a busy week of work. Ergh if I eat another easter egg, I am going to start sweating easter eggs.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Friday night and another big day of working my arse off. Got up at 6.3oam and started work at 8am and finished day job at 5pm then started night job at 6pm and finished night fill at 12.15pm.
Its pretty late, I am sitting up to get my hair dry, I just couldn't go to bed, without having a shower and because I have a long mop of hair, I need to sit up and dry it. I had better invest in a better hair dryer.
Then after I got in the shower and washed my hair, I realised I had made an appointment at the hairdresser for tomorrow anyway. Still I wanted to wash all the perspiration and dust (from boxes) off. The people I work with are funny buggers, we give eachother shit all the time, only I don't think our boss likes it, she seemed a bit quiet. Thing is, we are a very fast team, and we don't stop work, we do all our work before we start chatting. I don't know, I'm sure its all good at the end of the day.
Out to space everyone.