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Michelle's Things

Monday, November 29, 2004

Ok the weekend is over, survived the cocktail party. Didn't drink that many cocktails, was still a bit woozy from dentist and other girlie things, were causeing me to feel very tired. So I had a nap at about midnight, and woke and had a few drinks of water and then was definately sober enough to drive myself and boyfriend home. He had put a few more drinks away than I had.
Havn't done much today, got up early made boyfriend bacon and eggs for breakfast and watched a bit of cricket, before he left to stuff around at his place, before going on night shift this afternoon.
I had better actually go and hang out my washing and start cleaning this house, its been so neglected, since I started studying, studies, have almost dominated every faculty of my life, love life was hanging by a thread at some stages. Ergh.
Better get moving.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

An early start for a Saturday morning, after sitting up late watching tv movie. Had a dentist appointment at 9.30am and it was fairly short, but not feeling very bright, with a very numb mouth and am not allowed to eat untill numbness wears off. At least, to my delight, I have the cricket to comfort me, am able to kick back and watch the handsome men in their cricket whites, playing one of my favourite sports. Very fit, muscular men, I honestly can't say that one team is better than any other, because they all look very handsome. Go the Aussies.
Have a cocktail party to attend tonight, am not sure how I shall fair, I am still feeling woozy from dentist and havn't much to wear, also feel fat and gross and old. (hmmm)
Oooh, Shane Warne just got a wicket, a duck, not what New Zealand had in mind, with 580 runs to pursue.
Ok shall, contemplate a nap with the cricket fellas in the background.

Friday, November 26, 2004

I have just finished my chemistry exam, it was a little more difficult than I expected. I am feeling a little blue, have some things on my mind at the moment and am just trying to work through the motions. Why does life feel like it is crossroad after crossroad, sometimes I wish an answer would just appear, or that I would stop being afraid to try something different when I make a choice.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The weekend is over, I tried my best to get some computing study in. Unfortunately the cricket test match between Australia and NewZealand, was being played so Saturday was nearly a complete waste. After small intervals of homework, I started getting ready for a dinner gathering to celebrate a friends birthday, boyfriend didn't like my dress.blah.
Nevermind, pushed on, then found out also had to attend a twenty first in Subiaco at the llama bar, afterwards, another late night on the agenda. Once at the llama bar, again music way too fucking loud and can't talk shit to anyone, without a guarantee lost voice next day. Though I was glad to have the social escape from studies.
As the evening finally wrapped up, boyfriend and I walked all the way back to his house in Wembley.
Sunday morning, yes again I couldn't help myself, but watch the remaining of the cricket, it was a good game, luckily it finished at 12pm W.A time, so I could plug myself into homework and study for my computing exam. Am now about to sign off and que up for the chemistry p.s.i. computer, so I can book in for the chemistry exam. Cheerio

Friday, November 19, 2004

That was my last chemistry test for this chem unit, I am now allowed to sit the exam, have now got to study solid for computing exam on Wednesday and a bit of cramming on Wednesday night for the chem exam the following day. I am really happy to have made it through to the chem exam, it was quite a battle ploughing through all the tests to get there.
I am still waiting on the math exam results, I know I absolutely stuffed it up, it was a trig exam and I was doing my best to absorb all the theory, particularly on vectors and collision and interception and circle vectors, prior to the exam, but I still felt really vague and was only able to confidently answer 6 of the 20 questions confidently.
If I get a resit exam, hopefully I can find some money and a tutor and get someone to really shove me in the right direction on trig. Once exams are over, I shall be working flat out, to keep up with my mortgage repayments and pay off uni fees. Also christmas around the corner and new year.
At least now I have plenty of time to catch up with friends and have a couple of drinks, I had pledged a zero drinking promise, whilst I am at uni, untill of course a semester break or summer break comes around, which is twice a year only. Though this semester I have noticed, it has helped alot not drinking because, my memory recall was definately sharper than last semester, when I allowed myself to have the occasional drink.
Over and out.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

here I have changed the time on my posting board!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Well yesterday was a bit scattered, was up at 6am and managed to sit down for five minutes skimming chemistry notes. Then got up after about half an hour and jumped on the net to look up and see if any of our math results had come through yet, they still havn't. Finally I decided to head to uni and book in for some more chem assessments, then bussed it over to the Carousel, where K-mart is possibly going to offer me a night fill position. While I was waiting I went to the book shop and skimmed through Hawking's "on the shoulders of giants" and a couple of other science books, one on math, had some weird pictures of things called quaternions and mandelbrot dragons, it amazes me how these pictures come from math, I am scared to even ask how they are formed.
Got home read more notes, it seems a little overwhelming, this equilibrium stuff is very detailed and loads to remember. Played hockey with Bob, we won 1-0, very tough match, the opposition were very rough indeed.
Now its 8.30am in Perth Western Australia, and I am going to do more study for molecular equilibrium and hopefully master the equations.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

another day, sorry I havn't posted for a few days. Life is plodding along ok at the moment, have two chemistry tests left and then the exam next week also have a computing exam next week. Havn't done much study for that, as there are too many parts which seem quite vague and there are no tutorials for questions. Nevermind shall push on. Summer is rolling in Australia and Perth has some lovely warm weather. Better move as I have to book these chemistry tests and go to a job interview this afternoon, ergh its all happening.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Last night I played hockey, I am a beginner but I have a basic understanding of the skills. It is a mixed comp, guys and girls and supposedly a casual summer competition. The game was rather fiesty, considering there are state players in the teams and very skilled players from all levels playing. The highlight had to be the goal I scored, I couldn't believe it, me a beginner I was in the goal D and ball came to me and about 10 opposition players, I took a swing and it slewed in past all their legs, what an awesome feeling. As you can imagine I ran around giving high fives and the rest of the team were surprised too that a newbie had scored a goal.
Well I need to go catch up on some chemistry study, as I have a test at 11am.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Home again

I have just returned to Perth, after a trip 400km away to the family farm. I am very tired and have lost my voice. After celebrating our grandmother's 90th birthday on Saturday, my brother and my cousin and her boyfriend went to the local pub, followed by the nightclub. It was quite a good night, I bumped into some old friends of mine and we talked and talked and danced and danced and by 4am, we all called it a night.
Next morning my feet were really sore and my neck and my voice gone, from dancing like craxy and yelling over loud music, though it was all worth it, we had a good catch up, hopefully I shall make it home again sometime soon.
Christmas is just around the corner.
For now, I must concentrate on exams and paying my mortgage and not succumb to any parties, untill after exams.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Friday last day of uni

Caught a bus from the dentist to uni, my face is quite numb and I keep worrying that saliva may be escaping the corner of my mouth, but its not, so thats ok. Trig exam was really tough, I don't think I went well, at all, shall have another attempt next time.
I am frustrated at myself, for not grasping the concepts to be able to use that knowledge to find a solution to the questions.
Well, I need to do some pre lab equations for chemistry now and shall wrap up uni at 6pm tonight. Am getting up at 5am tomorrow to drive 400km, to get to my parents farm, to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday, it will be good to see the family again after a year of being apart.
signing off.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Its a nice day in Perth today, I am doing a bit of math at the moment, hopefully some of it will stick in my mind for tomorrows exam. The Melbourne cup was run yesterday, what an exciting horse race, it always takes my breath how these awesome creatures can run flat out, for over 3 kilometres.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I can't believe I just posted that. eeeeek. This was taken a year ago, before I quit to study. Sweating like its going out of fashion, this is me after shovelling up a spill, outside in 45 degree celsius heat, on a goldmine, I became very fit from this employment.Posted by Hello

Monday, November 01, 2004

Oooh interesting

This is my first blog, its exciting and feels strange. Well I have heaps of stuff to do, like homework and study, so I shall return at a more convenient time.
It is actually 8.10pm in Australia. Have a trig exam Thursday afternoon, I have a tooth ache and can only get to the dentist on Friday, its creating a bit of a distraction when I am trying to study.