Blogs, Beastie Boys, and Other Things
I have to say, I haven't been able to access your blog Katie, Dave or anyone's, because I used to go to Phil's blog and then click on the links down the side of his blog. So if you guys don't mind, if I get a hold of your blog addresses, I'll figure out how to put them into my blog. Then I can go round and have peek at what you guys have been up to.
...Been running...
Am listening to the Beastie Boys solid gold hits again. I love these guys. They are so expressive, rarely smile, but are somehow extremely funny and serious at the same time.
Over here, when you root, you are carrying out the act of sexual intercourse.
In Canada, I think, when you root, you are barracking for a team or something.
Which is why, when you guys say that your rooting for a particular team, we think that you are really doing it for your country.
...Been running...
Am listening to the Beastie Boys solid gold hits again. I love these guys. They are so expressive, rarely smile, but are somehow extremely funny and serious at the same time.
Australian Fact of the Day
Over here, when you root, you are carrying out the act of sexual intercourse.
In Canada, I think, when you root, you are barracking for a team or something.
Which is why, when you guys say that your rooting for a particular team, we think that you are really doing it for your country.
At 6:46 AM,
katie said…
hmm...rooting mean sexual intercourse eh? That's a new one. But yes you are 100% correct that when we "root" it means (and I quote from the dictionary):
- To give audible encouragement or applause to a contestant or team; cheer.
- To lend support to someone or something
Ever heard the baseball song? There's a part the goes..."root-root-root for you home team, if they don't win it's a shaaaame, for it's one , two, three strikes they're out at the old ball game..."
*cough* I should also mention I may not be the best person to be getting Canadianna from but I try ;)
And the blogs are a such: (mine) (Dave) (Jess)
I'm not sure who else's you might visit, but everyone sorta links to everyone else. :D
At 11:53 AM,
katie said…
Oops I'm an idiot. It's actually the other one is my school name. My bad.
At 6:25 AM,
Michelle said…
it is true, I must admit, going through the dictionary there is almost one page dedicated to different meanings of root. Ours includes that its a colloquilism meaning sex.
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