Ergh, another day of struggling to finish my jog. I wonder if its because of what I eat. Today I had a bowl of muesli with yoghurt and orange juice at 7am, then at 11am I had a chocolate bar from the vending machine, at 12.30pm I had a roast lamb roll, with bread pudding coated in custard and cream, I washed that down with an apple juice, then I just had a cup of tea at 3pm and went home at 5pm, then went jogging at 6pm. I wonder if I should force myself to eat fruit, its just that it never feels filling and I want to eat pasta and bacon and icecream instead. I guess when I get older I wont be able to get away with such a crappy diet, because I will start packing on the kilos. Just then 7.15pm I had a piece of mars bar slice and am getting motivated to cook pasta with vegies for dinner. The pasta I cook, is actually quite healthy I don't use creamy, oily sauces, all I do is buy plain pasta, boil it up, strain out the water and tip in a can of tomatoe chunks (the can tomatoes are really fresh, no oils, just tomatoes in their juices, spiced with garlic and basil) I always steam the vegies and wash it down with juice. I guess my diet during the day is quite crap, because I don't have the energy to pack a lunch, so I always buy my meals and when I'm buying meals I always go for the cheap crap, such as roast lamb rolls.
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