So far this week I have jogged for 20 minutes every day except Wednesday, so sunday, monday, tuesday and thursday. Which is a massive improvement on the last 2 months of slackness. Am also doing some light weights after the jog. I even went out and bought a skipping rope, so if its too wet to run, I have no excuse to slack off, the skipping rope is there to keep up my exercise. Work is trundling on pretty good.
Space must be a giant ocean we havn't sailed, large and frought with mystery, begging us to explore it.
The third Ashes test begins today.
I am saving up to buy the 'Firefly' series on dvd, so I can share it out to my friends, I don't watch t.v. except for the cricket and I really don't like serial programs. Firefly is actually quite a good watch, it isn't much like a serial show, its quite like a broken movie and it doesn't have over exaggerated dramatic scenes. Quite original, I must say.
Space must be a giant ocean we havn't sailed, large and frought with mystery, begging us to explore it.
The third Ashes test begins today.
I am saving up to buy the 'Firefly' series on dvd, so I can share it out to my friends, I don't watch t.v. except for the cricket and I really don't like serial programs. Firefly is actually quite a good watch, it isn't much like a serial show, its quite like a broken movie and it doesn't have over exaggerated dramatic scenes. Quite original, I must say.
At 6:34 AM,
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At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
what the hell is that? ^^
I think you've got somebody advertising freely on your should charge them...
Congrats on your exercising acheivements! keep up the good work!
At 1:58 AM,
Michelle said…
Yeah, I know. It is way strange, I might get help in finding their I.P. address and kindly asking them to go away. Why the hell do I need to meet other people with common interests AND why the heck would I PAY to do that!! Also I am not single I have a boyfriend BOB, so in my national language PLEASE BUGGER OFF MR/MRS ANONYMOUS!
At 12:31 PM,
Phil said…
...but I wanna Connect with Real SIngles from my local area! (jk)
Remember, cardio is all good, but make sure your diet is solid. Most of the time, when people are trying to slim down or maintain (or in my case, put on weight), it's a problem with their diet, not their workout.
At 2:31 AM,
Michelle said…
mmm, true, my diet is full of bacon and well fatty stuff. But on the plus side, I am only 55kg (I'm short arse too round 156cm tall) so its mainly just fitness I am focussed on. Am lucky I must have fast metabolism or something. As I eat and drink all sorts of crap.
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