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Michelle's Things

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Hello all,
long time no blog, shit I've made some stupid life choices such as buying this house a couple of years ago and get a full time job to pay for it, which is grossly interfering with my studies.
My other brother came up from the farm and visited me over the weekend, a girl he was keen on, dumped him, so rather than spending time with her, he was moping around my house. I got him on the PS2 and he played alot of Doom, he caught up with other bro, whom moved out couple of weeks ago and they went to see Star Wars Episode 3. I still havn't seen the film so they have been sworn to secrecy.
It is hard for farm kids to hold down a relationship, all the girls want to go to the city and stay there and city guys just plain like to give farm girls a hard time.
Hey Phil you are a thoughtful guy, looking out for those girls and getting them home, I'd give myself a pat on the back for that.


  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger Phil said…

    ZOMG!! You bought a house?

  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Well I bought the house a couple of years ago, I better reword the blog. Its just if I want to study I need to sell the house, as I have discovered working full time and trying to study is hard, lack of energy, am tired etc etc.


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