Hey Phil, good to hear from you, I am possibly not worthy enough to go on your webpage, but its an honour all the same, thanks. The other night, I was writing my weblog, it was actually Monday night, only we had a power out and it switched of my computer. I can not remember what I was writing either, I deserved that pamper pack, doing double shifts every day with 6 hours sleep every night, leaves you feeling as though you have been drinking solid, for the last 3 years.
I truly respect Phil's dedication to math, squeezing study, lectures, test and exams for a double degree and all with very little rest.
I am so tired, I am going to sleep so well after I get of this computer, and tomorrow I have to catch up on some serious math homework. I may have to drop some night fill hours, so I can have time to do homework and study. Otherwise my education is going to suffer and that is not allowed.
Ok I had best rest.
I truly respect Phil's dedication to math, squeezing study, lectures, test and exams for a double degree and all with very little rest.
I am so tired, I am going to sleep so well after I get of this computer, and tomorrow I have to catch up on some serious math homework. I may have to drop some night fill hours, so I can have time to do homework and study. Otherwise my education is going to suffer and that is not allowed.
Ok I had best rest.
At 3:20 PM,
Phil said…
Why are you working so much? Ah, I guess the price of living alone and studying at University at the same time.
I feel for you, I really do.
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